Kamis, 20 November 2008


MOST can

"Do you dare take the risk I invest in?" This question may often terlontar when you are cogitate to make the investment. Say you have the money to Rp 10 million, and confused if you will put them in banks or in other places. If kept in the bank, you may feel secure. But sometimes, investment bid in other places are often quite large and very vamp, so this sometimes frightening you.

That no investment risk. So, from my experience during this, usually there are only three (3) the risk that most people are when they invest:

1. The decrease in value of Investment

The risk that most people can invest when the general was "Is my money will be lost?" Most people might answer "no" when asked such. Iyalah, where there is, I want people to lose money? However, the problem that there are certain risks in any investment. Only difference is in size. There are investment products that the risk is large enough, there are, there are small. It may need a special discussion on the NOVA numbers future. What is clear, one thing that most people can, once again is: "Is my money will be lost?"

Okay, now if you invest, how big is willing to decrease the value of your responsibility when you have losses? 10 percent? 30 percent? 50 percent? Or 100 percent? No matter how big the losses you responsibility, remember, it is part of investing. Do not ever expect you will continue to speculate. That loss, occasionally have experienced. If baseball experience, I learn baseball, huh?

2. The difficulty of the Investment Product Sale

Risk the second most people can invest when the product is whether the investment purchasing is easy to be sold again. Some people may be happy to invest in gold because gold is considered easy to sell again. However, there are also people who invest in the currency to U.S. dollars, dollars and the quick incorporation to the bank. This is because when the dollar is stored in the freezer, then the physical condition of paper money may be decreased, and sometimes it will be difficult for a time when the dollar would be sold again. Understandably, some banks often do not want to buy foreign currency when the conditions of your money papers torn, damaged or disheveled.

Examples of other investment products that do not always easy to sell back the goods Collection. Goods collections generally are not always easy because the market re-sold the goods the buyer is very specific. Painting, for example. Because the market-specific, not always easy to sell the painting. But, once sold, could be very high price and provide a sizable fortune to make people sell them.

So, before you decide to invest, more than I know how easy it is the product of your investment can be sold again. Do not invest until you but can not sell it, because goods sold is difficult.

3. Investment Results Provided at No Price Increase Goods and Services

Imagine if you invest in time deposits, which provide 10 percent interest a year, whereas in the year the price of goods and services, even up 15 percent? This often happens, not because of too high price increases of goods and services, but because the selected product itself is not necessarily appropriate.

Yes folks, some of you may want investment products that are safe and conservative. However, the consequence is that the investment results obtained may not be equal increase in the price of goods and services. If you hold it from year to year, then you will go bankrupt.

What should you do to face this risk? Do not close themselves to information. Learn investment products that you may not know, and after that try to enter the site, considering all the consequences. The long run, you certainly can overcome the high increase in the price of goods and services by investing in products that are potentially able to give results higher than the increase in the price of goods.

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